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Agriculture Ministry Gets $9m Hurricane Beryl Relief Donation from JACA

By: , September 25, 2024
Agriculture Ministry Gets $9m Hurricane Beryl Relief Donation from JACA
Photo: Michael Sloley
Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Mining, Hon. Floyd Green, delivers remarks during a handover ceremony at the Ministry’s offices in Kingston on Tuesday (September 24), during which the Jamaica Agricultural Chemical Association (JACA) donated $9 million in agricultural inputs to assist with the recovery effort for farmers affected by Hurricane Beryl
Agriculture Ministry Gets $9m Hurricane Beryl Relief Donation from JACA
Photo: Michael Sloley
Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Mining, Hon. Floyd Green (right), and President, Jamaica Agricultural Chemical Association (JACA), Graham Dunkley, listen as Hi-Pro Ace Supercentre Farm Store Manager, Sherrae Wong-Black, lists some of the items donated to support the agricultural sector’s recovery from Hurricane Beryl, during a handover ceremony at the Ministry’s offices in Kingston on Tuesday (September 24). JACA donated $9 million in agricultural inputs to the Ministry.
Agriculture Ministry Gets $9m Hurricane Beryl Relief Donation from JACA
Photo: Michael Sloley
Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Mining, Hon. Floyd Green (right), and President, Jamaica Agricultural Chemical Association (JACA), Graham Dunkley, examine items donated to support the agricultural sector’s recovery from Hurricane Beryl, during a handover ceremony at the Ministry’s offices in Kingston on Tuesday (September 24). JACA donated $9 million in agricultural inputs to the Ministry.

The Full Story

The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Mining, on Tuesday (September 24), got a welcome donation of agricultural supplies valued $9 million to assist farmers impacted during Hurricane Beryl’s passage in July.

The supplies, inclusive of seeds, fertilisers, protective equipment, drip kits and fungicides, were provided by the Jamaica Agricultural Chemical Association (JACA).

Addressing the handover ceremony at the Ministry’s offices in Kingston, Portfolio Minister, Hon. Floyd Green, said he was pleased with the timing of the donation.

“It’s very easy, after major disasters, for people who are not on the front line to think that all is well and to quickly move on two or three weeks after. We appreciate that the recovery of our agricultural sector is going to take time; it’s going to take significant effort and partnerships,” he stated.

Mr. Green emphasised that the Government has been strategic in its response to the extensive damage wreaked by Hurricane Beryl.

“We are doing two things at the same time. We’re looking to build back and to build back stronger, and we’re also looking to continue to do the sustainable part of building our agricultural sector by continuing our projects, and this [donation of supplies] helps us in that regard. The more resources that we have pooling into the recovery effort, the less resources we have to look at from our other programmes,” Minister Green said.

JACA President, Graham Dunkley, said the Association is committed to supporting the agricultural sector, as farmers are the backbone of the economy.

“Beryl was a devastating test but it also revealed the strength and resilience of our people. We believe that one of the most important lessons is the power of unity in the face of adversity. JACA members, known for their competitive nature, have set aside those differences to work for the common good,” he stated.

Mr. Dunkley pointed out that the entity’s donation aims to address the urgent needs of farmers, noting that the relief efforts are guided by the principles of inclusivity and partnership.

“We have conducted first-hand assessments of the damage, engaged with key stakeholders and committed to donating essential supplies. We are grateful for the leadership of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Mining, RADA (Rural Agricultural Development Authority) and the Beryl relief project. By working together, we can rebuild the agricultural sector and ensure a stronger, more resilient future for Jamaica,” he added.

Meanwhile, Head of the Hurricane Beryl Recovery Taskforce, Michael Pryce, also expressed gratitude to the Association for the donation.

“Many of these members have, by their own right, given already to the sector, but it’s good to see the Association contributing to the sector, and it represents, along with the individual donations, a partnership that exists within the sector between the input suppliers, the Government and our farmers,” Mr. Pryce said.

Last Updated: September 25, 2024

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